Administration login
Checking whether you are logged in already

Administration login
You have embedded the website in a so called frame. Unfortunately it's not supported to login in this mode due to security reasons.
If you do this to have your own domain, we can help you do this in a better way (using DNS). Please contact us at To log in securely, click here to open the page at it's original address. Enter your username and Wrong username or password
Checking whether you are logged in already
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22 May 2023 16:59
Ett stort tack!
Vi vill tacka för en fantastisk långhelg! 朗 Hoppas alla kom hem ordentligt och lyckats få några ...
21 May 2023 23:10
En fantastisk final!
Idag spelades den ena fartfyllda finalmatchen efter den andra. Rafflande finaler med häftigt sp...
21 May 2023 07:22
Dag tre - nu laddar vi för finaldag!
09 June 2019 17:29
2019: Herr IK Zenith Div1 - Mölndals IBF Brunkers
FINALREFERAT Herr: IK Zenith Div 1 - Mölndals IBF Brunkers 3-0 Pga tekniska problem så har vi in...
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2019: P15 Kärra IBK - IK Zenith
FINALREFERAT P15: Kärra IBK - IK Zenith 2-3 Pga tekniska problem så har vi inget matchreferat at...